The customer assist program was introduced in 2014. This program was designed for those who are mechanically capable of putting things together, that wanted to save some money. This program gives you the same professional knowledge and experience of Waketower Pro, and some self-satisfaction that you helped to complete the job. Installing a waketower takes two people. No matter what tower you install, for a professional installation, you have to have two people. This program basically puts you in the technician seat. You are the assistant during the installation process.
In order for this program to be successful, you will need to know how to use some basic tools, not be afraid of small confined area's, be physically capable of tightening bolts with hand tools, and just a basic working knowledge of typical hand tools. If your install includes electronics, you will also need a very basic knowledge of how to strip electrical wire, know the difference between hot and ground, use wire crimping tools for wire connections, and not be color blind.
You don't have to know how to install a tower or know electrical engineering to assist.
Waketower Pro Tech
This program will save you $150 (up to $400) if you are willing to help with the install. This program has been done successfully many times, and saves you money and gives you the satisfaction of being involved. This also gives you a first hand look at how everything is put together and what is done in the correct procedure to make your install a success. The Customer Assist program works perfect for the customers that are at a far enough distance away for us to fly into the closest major airport instead of paying truck mileage. Typically, we can secure air fare for less than what it would cost in mileage when traveling further than 1,000 miles for a job. These jobs will always require a customer assist if we fly in to your town.
We will instruct you on what needs to be done and how. We are still assemblying the tower and installing it, you are just helping with the production of the install.
If this interests you, please ask about it when you call or put it in the notes when you schedule your appointment.
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